ahhhhh i a m driiunk face

it is extremely difficult to post while drunk. i have tried like 5 times but never figured it out UNTIL NOW. don't be too distrubed, but your future doktors of america pretty much get shitfaced any chance they get. i'm not sure how i feel about this yet. i've yet to have a serious conversation with anyone, except matt bender when we were talking about short stories and poetrys while drunk, adn that barley counts. anyway. i will post more coherently soon.

until i am sober-ish,


There's a football game this weekend, against Hawaii I think. Apparently, its crazy here, with people parking all over the grass and lots of on campus drinking. Did this happen at UT and I just didn't notice? Well, I'm skipping town during this big to-do in order to 1) socialize with my dept at a lake and then 2) spend the rest of the weekend playing with horseshoe crabs at Seahorse Key.

Toastmasters has not prepared me for this teaching thing. It would be nice if I could just get up in front of the class and make a speech, but that's not teaching. I'm supposed to be creating an environment for things like "cognitive conflict" to take place.

Side note: We have a social every friday at 5 for the zoology dept. So what is it called? That's right. Zoocial.

i <3 adilbek

ha ha.

When Lauren met friends...

Ok, I'm going to do my best and try to remember my first impressions of everybody. Let me know if you remember it like I do!

Jessica- I've known you the longest, of course. I first heard about you through Amber and Tami, and then we became better friends sophomore year when Andrew starting driving us both home from school. You were always dressed in your basketball uniform.

James- I met you through Amber and Tami and Jessica, too. I think we mostly hung out when we played ultimate frisbee and Tami called you Red Shirt. I also remember talking to you a lot on AIM, Jalsk5.

Katie- I have vague memories of seeing you at St. Peter's church in high school, but I don't think we ever talked. I thought you were super quiet! Oh the irony... =). I think we started becoming better friends because we lived across from one another and had intro chemistry together.

Taleen- I definitely thought your name was pronounced Tay-leen for a good while after we met- sorry! We met in the hall of B5 (how fitting!) and then later walked over to Metro on the drag to have coffee with Jessica and some other Cinco people.

Dane- This I remember distictly. I was walking with a group of people back from Kinsolving, and when we got into the quad some Woodlands person yelled out "Hey, what's that kid doing here? He doesn't live here!" (this was before you moved in and totally fooled Katy) and I noticed the immense fro.

Adilbek- I don't remember meeting you for the first time, but I remember seeing your white board everyday as I walked through the 2nd floor, and your full name was written on it. Because of this I will always remember your middle name- Imanbayev (even if I don't necessarily remember how to spell it?)

Katy- I'm pretty sure it was a mix of hanging out in the halls with a group of people (making Tamara's roommate who did rowing at 4 am come out of her room and scowl at us) and talking with a toothbrush in our mouths in the bathroom.

Christie- Same as far as talking in the halls and bathroom (I could say that about all of the girls!), and I also remember seeing you outside in the hall early in the mornings and admiring your nicely decorated room!

David- I think the first time I met you was when I knew you as Taylor's roommate because we used to hang out with Taylor a lot. I also remember you thinking about switching out of the honors dorms to live in Jester during the first semester because you thought you'd have a better experience there, and I remember hoping you'd stay with us.

Katherine- You were the mystery girl that Dane started dating. Then I got to know you better, and I remember going to Spiderhouse with you in a group when it was really really cold!

Tim- I knew you as Patrick's roommate first, then as the guy who is also from the woodlands, then as a runner with Dane, then as a smart biomed person, and then finally just as Tim.

Colleen- I remember going with a group to Mt. Bonnell, and a group of us girls wandering off and jumping on the rocks and dancing and singing really really loudly.

Writing this was fun. It brings back memories I haven't really thought of in a while!

picture chat!!

holy crap! i just chatted with lauren and tom (separately) using video chat! everyone should do this. get a camera if you don't have one. it is pretty sweet to be able to see your friend AND talk to them. just think, you could watch me eat a burrito or something. it'll be fun. 

ALSO, i love stars, i love that album. the first song is called "your ex-lover is dead" and it starts off and says "when there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire." but it works well as an insult too, so go for it, tim. 

we went on retreat this weekend. it was good times. more about that later. i am still crazy homesick, it is getting old. bye for now!

Google is scary

So I was asking Google about a band I just heard of called Stars. When I typed in 'stars music,' Google responded 'stars set yourself on fire'. Now it turns out Set Yourself On Fire is the Canadians' third record released in 2004, but if you didn't know that would you suspect that Google just got uncharacteristically mean spirited? Is it only me? What did Stars ever do to Google?

Anyway I have definitely found my new snarky response. I can't wait to put it to use. Example:

Future roommate Nate: Hey, Tim, do you want to go see The House Bunny this weekend?
Tim: Set yourself on fire.


While I'm on new music, if you're interested check out Foals, Jose Gonzales, Weezer, and my new favorite Stephen Malkmus, formerly of Pavement.

picture of the day- true love

also starting a flashback picture of the day/week/whenever i post series.
and i hope to see new ones of you all!

B4 knocking on your door

first, thanks, katie for setting this up!

seeing as everyone has their own unique "voice" i thought it would be fun to play "guess who posted below you." jessica is pretty obvious (omgz). so is katie (all that bug talk- okay, hasn't happened yet, but i know it's coming).

as for me, i will probably include an armenia fact with each post...just in case you miss it. (fortunately for you, i am joking...except this article on olympic medals per capita is pretty cool. i couldn't resist.
btw, anyone see michael johnson's interview during the olympics? the guy, looking completely bored, says, "i can't wait until the real athletics start" (referring to track and field). while i'm sure many of us agree, way to insult the thousands of other athletes around!)

alright homies, in london for the next 30 hours. hope to see you all soon!


p.s. jess, i agree- i hope to meet people half as wonderful as you all, too. will post on your question of how we all met, later. (i'll never forget when i met dane. ha! the fro plays a crucial role in the story)
p.p.s. we need pictures. so that's me saying bye.

I'm In Florida!

So I'm pretty much moved in...just in time for tropical storm/hurricane Fay. I guess there's nothing like a big storm to say "welcome to florida!" UF will probably be closed on tuesday and wednesday.
Well, my apt is way too big for one person, and I'm oddly reminded of the dorms because my front door opens into a hallway. And there's an odd smell like you can tell when someone is cooking.
I met a couple of people who drove through Austin to get here, and they all agreed that it is a pretty sweet place. I also ran into the people who wanted me to live with them ( 2 dogs, house, pool, wood floors). Oh well, I can handle a solitary living arrangement for a year.
Luckily, Jessica, I haven't run into any apathy about Gainesville yet. It has won lots of awards for its livability. Unfortunately, they forgot to mention that you can't get NBC with an antenna.

P.S. Sign your name if its not immediately apparent who you are when posting. thanks! I miss you guys.

New Links

Check out the links I've added to the blogs some of our friends have already. Are there any others that we should add?

hello from bmore

omg! i am here. my dorm room already looks halfway like home. moving back to a dorm makes me feel like i am regressing. seriously, haven't i done this already? but it's my own room this time, which is nice. and i did get the big room by adding to my form "please give me the big room, you have no idea how much stuff i have. =)" the smiley worked. anyway, it's amazing how much this dorm room already looks like my old one/my apartment room. i've never been much for change, i guess. 

my roommates are really nice, at least SO FAR. haha. we only just met, of course. they are all asian! dane would have a ball. 2 came from hopkins undergrad. i asked alyssa about the city and she was like ohhh...ehh......and i was like oh no! so much apathy after 4 years here!? but she's from seattle so i guess she has something to compare it to. 

i can't wait until i find people i like half as much as you guys. i forget how we all met again?


Pineapple Express was great and so is Tropic Thunder.

Pineapple Express

Who's going to see this? I'm so excited.


i am posting the shit out of this blog

because i am fucking classy. 

SO. those WERE two different songs! so i thought. how is katy? here is good but kinda lame. everyone is leaving. i liked the beginning of the summer better when there was all that PE. i also don't like moving shit around. i'm probably never going to move again after i find an apartment in Baltimore. NEVER. 

i ate some pizza with arugala on it today. i don't even normally like those bitter leaves, but it was tasty. i am not looking forward to finding new favorite places to eat/go to happy hour. sure, it will be exciting, but i am super lazy and i have to take that into account. plus i will get lost all the time again. weh. 

i dont like how my new apple makes weird swooshing noises, or doesn't like to eject CDs. i miss dells. YARRRRRRR

i am tireds, goodnight