When Lauren met friends...

Ok, I'm going to do my best and try to remember my first impressions of everybody. Let me know if you remember it like I do!

Jessica- I've known you the longest, of course. I first heard about you through Amber and Tami, and then we became better friends sophomore year when Andrew starting driving us both home from school. You were always dressed in your basketball uniform.

James- I met you through Amber and Tami and Jessica, too. I think we mostly hung out when we played ultimate frisbee and Tami called you Red Shirt. I also remember talking to you a lot on AIM, Jalsk5.

Katie- I have vague memories of seeing you at St. Peter's church in high school, but I don't think we ever talked. I thought you were super quiet! Oh the irony... =). I think we started becoming better friends because we lived across from one another and had intro chemistry together.

Taleen- I definitely thought your name was pronounced Tay-leen for a good while after we met- sorry! We met in the hall of B5 (how fitting!) and then later walked over to Metro on the drag to have coffee with Jessica and some other Cinco people.

Dane- This I remember distictly. I was walking with a group of people back from Kinsolving, and when we got into the quad some Woodlands person yelled out "Hey, what's that kid doing here? He doesn't live here!" (this was before you moved in and totally fooled Katy) and I noticed the immense fro.

Adilbek- I don't remember meeting you for the first time, but I remember seeing your white board everyday as I walked through the 2nd floor, and your full name was written on it. Because of this I will always remember your middle name- Imanbayev (even if I don't necessarily remember how to spell it?)

Katy- I'm pretty sure it was a mix of hanging out in the halls with a group of people (making Tamara's roommate who did rowing at 4 am come out of her room and scowl at us) and talking with a toothbrush in our mouths in the bathroom.

Christie- Same as far as talking in the halls and bathroom (I could say that about all of the girls!), and I also remember seeing you outside in the hall early in the mornings and admiring your nicely decorated room!

David- I think the first time I met you was when I knew you as Taylor's roommate because we used to hang out with Taylor a lot. I also remember you thinking about switching out of the honors dorms to live in Jester during the first semester because you thought you'd have a better experience there, and I remember hoping you'd stay with us.

Katherine- You were the mystery girl that Dane started dating. Then I got to know you better, and I remember going to Spiderhouse with you in a group when it was really really cold!

Tim- I knew you as Patrick's roommate first, then as the guy who is also from the woodlands, then as a runner with Dane, then as a smart biomed person, and then finally just as Tim.

Colleen- I remember going with a group to Mt. Bonnell, and a group of us girls wandering off and jumping on the rocks and dancing and singing really really loudly.

Writing this was fun. It brings back memories I haven't really thought of in a while!