i am posting the shit out of this blog

because i am fucking classy. 

SO. those WERE two different songs! so i thought. how is katy? here is good but kinda lame. everyone is leaving. i liked the beginning of the summer better when there was all that PE. i also don't like moving shit around. i'm probably never going to move again after i find an apartment in Baltimore. NEVER. 

i ate some pizza with arugala on it today. i don't even normally like those bitter leaves, but it was tasty. i am not looking forward to finding new favorite places to eat/go to happy hour. sure, it will be exciting, but i am super lazy and i have to take that into account. plus i will get lost all the time again. weh. 

i dont like how my new apple makes weird swooshing noises, or doesn't like to eject CDs. i miss dells. YARRRRRRR

i am tireds, goodnight