Safety pins

This past weekend I went to my first toga party. My friend Robert (from high school) threw the party at Stanford, where he's going to grad school. The Stanford grad students all live either in dorms or in on campus apartments. Seriously, I don't know if I could do that. Dorm life was super fun when we were all there, and I wouldn't change those two years for anything, but I really don't think I could give up my apartment and live in a dorm again. Jessica, how are you liking it? Will you be able to move off campus next year (if you even want to)? So since all the Stanford grad students live on campus, the party was in the basement of Robert's dorm. It was actually a pretty nice party spot- it was large, had two beer pong tables, and a bar. Here's a picture of me and Robert in our togas- his is made from fabric he bought, but mine is actually made from the queen sized bedsheet that I sleep in! It took a lot of safety pins....


Katy said...

how fun! and geez lauren, how do safety pins + bed sheet = greek goddess?
*jealous* :D