living in a dorm

is like this. it sucks, mostly, except that:

1) otherwise, i would be dealing with renting with people who would've been complete strangers before moving in (and i do have my own room)
2) this is hella cheap
3) it takes me 8 minutes to walk to class
4)we get to have dorm parties/preparties/gatherings very, very easily

it sucks because:
1) off-campus housing is pretty nice, and pretty cheap. every time i go to someone's house i am like daaaammmnnn yo why don't i live in a house?
2) houses here have roof-decks!
3) reed hall is a shithole (our shower has broken, our sink is clogged, my light blew out, one bathroom for 4 girls, no cable hookups, etc)
4) reed hall is a shithole. sometimes i have to walk up 10 flights of stairs when our elevators break. if you know me, you know how i rage.
5) laundry in dorms is terrribly terrible.

But hey, I have roomies for next year, we're gonna get a sweet house, and we're working on convincing Kamna that cats are sweet pets. I am so excited.