holy crap

How the fuck did you do that? The problem is that I don't have that link that says "customize blog," or I'm pretty sure I would've figured it out. Also, I don't know how to find that link. Also, I don't know how to construct a video response. WOAH

Customizing the Blarg


If you want to add a poll or do anything else to the blog, just hit the Customize link at the top right of the page. Here's a step-by-step video:

Customizing Blog


Just another day at work....


Hey guys,

In case you were wondering, this is what the Real World looks like...

how do i modify this damned blog

I would like to add a poll about New Years, but I don't know how. Weh?

Katie, how did you catch the cheaters!? I love how people think they will never get caught.

I do use sad old excuses to get my car out of the garage without paying the 11 dollars I am supposed to though. Usually they are lies. But seriously, parking in a satellite lot is BS. How much am I paying to attend this institution again?

also, my stomach hurts because i am eating too many leftover cookies from Thanksgiving. Ugh. Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who is grossed out by anatomy. Then I could stop eating these cookies, or I wouldn't eat so much while I study. Drat.

Can you tell I'm bored? Anatomy really doesn't do it for me. 3D spatial relationships? Please. I'm better off just guessing, I think.