
You know what sucks? Going to school to study diseases, but GETTING THEM INSTEAD. I've been sick twice since I've been here, and it's only been a month. I think the first time was because of too little sleep/too much boozing/sharing of beer pong cups, but this latest one is just crazy infectious. Our test on Tuesday sounded like some sort of coughing symphony.

Normally this wouldn't piss me off as much, but since I'm going to Austin this weekend (!!!!!!!) to stand in the sun for three days straight, I am all yar. I am still extremely excited though. Everything worked out amazingly quickly. Except for all the details, like how to pick up my ticket or how I'm getting into town from the airport, but I can figure that stuff out later tonight hopefully.

I wanted to come visit Austin a bit later in October, but nearly every weekend is full then, and November is too close to Thanksgiving anyway. And this is the best possible combination of events, as even my dad admitted. Haha.

Evidence that my classmates are pretty cool: I was invited to a pig roast for next weekend. Holy crap! There are pictures of the last year's pig roast and everything. Woot.

School really isn't that bad. I don't know. I guess I expected it to be harder. And I think it will get harder when we start doing stuff I've never seen before. All the second years say to do as much stuff/have as much fun as possible during first year, because it gets a lot harder to do that stuff later. So I'm thinking in mid-October I might go down to Duke and see Tami, and of course a New York trip is inevitable. And I'm submitting an application for a conference in Boston so that might pan out too??

also, you know what is delicious? maryland steamed crabs. mmmm. omg i just noticed that i used proper capitalization for the first part of my post. WHAT IS HAPPENING

I need to post some pictures but that seems complicated. Also, you guys should tell more about your lives! I am like, what is going on.

Colleen and Dane I should be seeing you soon!