a legitimately non-drunk post!

oh, goodness. i sent someone a facebook message last night - "catchphrase ftw" - and they did not know what it meant. this means i have reached new levels of uncool maybe? or maybe people here are not totally jawesome. honestly i haven't even broken out with jawesome yet. i introduce the jessica-speak slowly. today i used lolz and it was well recieved. but ftw?? sigh.

speaking of facebook messaging late at night, it turns out i don't have much of a proclivity towards drunk dialing, but i do love me some drunk posting/facebooking/emailing. i'm a nerd even when drunk!

speaking of catchphrase, i taught everyone here speed scrabble, and it was an instant hit. it was at a pregaming gathering and was played for maybe 1 1/2 hours straight with different people rotating in and out. it made me feel good.

so i went to the grocery store here for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and i made a snap judgement that it was terrible. then i went again and now i think it is okay, but only okay, and do i ever miss the HEB.

as for REAL LIFE, many things are happening. i'm doing fine in school so far. i am mostly bored but we are doing some interesting genetics stuff soon so that might be exciting. i never go to lecture - i stream it at 2x the speed, and it is amazing. i am fast converting people to the "no lecture" system. tomorrow i am going to start knitting in discussion section, which is required. turns out my good behavior only lasts so long.

also i am starting all kinds of volunteer stuff! i will elaborate more upon this later - too much in one post gets annoying.

my BSSC football team sucks but they are really nice, and i have a great war wound from our game this weekend. and a nice sunburn.

i miss texas and you guys a lot. sometimes the best part of my day is catching up with someone from back home. i am getting used to baltimore, but it's taking more patience than i thought it would. i guess this is what it feels like to move away.

also i got pulled over for cutting off a cop yesterday. which i totally did, but i thought it was a cab? he yelled at me for a bit (the thing was, it was closing time...don't worry, i was dd, but he didn't know that) and then i was like IM A HOPKINS MEDICAL STUDENT. but real timid like. and he let me go. whew. (it's a joke that we can get out of any situation by saying that phrase really loudly and self-importantly. there are ridiculous pictures of us in bars pimping our ID's extremely obviously....haha.)


katie said...

After being so comfortable in a place, you forget how long it took to actually reach that level of comfort with people. That's what I keep reminding myself. It's going to take a little while.